Firmware Debugging for Linux, Android, and MCU devices

Integrate Memfault’s firmware SDK to automate time-consuming debugging steps and receive crash reports via the Memfault web application for quick error analysis and resolution remotely from your desk.

Firmware Debugging for Linux, Android, and MCU devices


Take the Hard out of HardFault

It’s time to stop relying on incomplete user crash reports and physical debuggers to reproduce and fix device issues in the field.

Catch bugs sooner

Detect issues before your customers with automatic data extraction, aggregation, and real-time alerts.

Resolve issues faster

Find a fix to the most critical issues with coredumps generating traces and issue deduplication.

Make products stronger

Send OTA updates to give your customers the flawless bug-free devices they expect.



Fix bugs in hours, not weeks

  • Automatically catch and triage bugs
    Whether a device fails to connect over Bluetooth or crashes during operation, we alert your team and deduplicate reports so you can gauge impact before your customers report the problem.
  • Root cause issues with hard data
    Receive real-time alerts with the same details you’d expect from your physical debugger to quickly resolve issues-walkable backtraces, local/global variables, registers, memory dumps, logs, battery level, and more.

Clickthrough to take a tour



One dashboard for efficient issue management

  • Gauge impact using snapshot of device data
    Understand affected versions, prevalence, and frequency of every issue across your fleet.
  • Never look at the same issue twice
    Memfault creates a unique signature for every incoming issue and deduplicates it against existing reports so you don’t waste any time.
  • Put old bugs to rest
    When you mark an issue as resolved, Memfault hides it from your dashboards and notifies you if it is seen again on newer firmware releases.

Flexible Full-Stack Architecture

Scale your devices without scaling issues

Memfault is modular, so it works on Android OS devices or ARM-based microcontroller devices running on bare metal or real-time operating systems (RTOS) using any connectivity (WiFi, Bluetooth, LTE, Zigbee, LoRa, etc.). Our three components ensure that shipping and managing millions of devices is no different than one.

Customizable SDK
Customizable SDK

Integrates into your OS and collects diagnostics data from your devices in the field-coredumps, backtraces, registers, logs, and custom metrics.

Robust Cloud Backend
Robust Cloud Backend

Analyzes data to classify the issue, identifies a possible root cause, and recovers items such as variable and function names from binary data.

Intuitive Web Application
Intuitive Web Application

Receive alerts about issues directly to your desktop and drill into individual issues along with overall fleet health in dashboards.


Hear from our customers

“Before Memfault, we could only learn the symptoms of the issue without details on the origin, making it harder and slower to fix bugs.”

“With Memfault's automatic issue detection and monitoring capabilities, my team is able to resolve issues quicker than ever before. Before Memfault, we had little insight into our devices, so we spent weeks debugging issues manually.”

“With Memfault implemented in our new product on the market, we can now service and address issues without needing to "psychic debug" sensors in the wild based on customer reports - we have the stack traces.”


Deep Insights into Device Debugging

Airthings Case Study

With Memfault and utilizing coredumps, the Airthings team can now quickly pinpoint issues and remotely debug their devices.

Read the Case Study
Recorded Panel: Debugging Embedded Devices in Production

Hear from engineering experts as they discuss their success stories and lessons learned from debugging in production

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Documentation: Introduction to Debugging with Memfault

Read our docs to learn more about debugging with Memfault and how to track crash analytics.

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