Embedded Device Observability and OTA

Catch and fix camera faults before they impact customers

Get real-time alerts, crash logs, and performance data to troubleshoot issues remotely. No more time and money wasted on returns or engineering visits for problems that could have been fixed with a patch.

Observe, analyze and update any connected camera, from action cameras to CCTV systems.

Catch and fix camera faults before they impact customers

Without Memfault

Developing connected cameras the old way is inefficient and expensive.

Relying on technical support and unhappy customers to identify failures and faults?

The customer experience left to chance because you don't have visibility into device performance in the field.

Struggling to diagnose issues that are ruining the installer experience and causing churn?

When an issue happens it takes significant time and effort to debug causing frustration and distraction.

Wasting money on RMA's and truck rolls for issues that could be fixed with a patch?

Forced to organize wasteful returns and replacements for issues that later turn out to be software related.


With Memfault

Memfault makes operating connected cameras better for everyone.

Get automatically alerted when your deployed cameras are experiencing problems.

Quality and performance monitoring of every device in your fleet, at all times so you know about problems fast.

Catch issues happening during install and ensure cameras are reliable right out-of-the-box.

Issues automatically prioritized based on impact and associated with crash data ready to investigate.

Minimize wasted spend on returns, site visits and customer churn by fixing issues remotely.

Identify, diagnose, and deploy fixes for issues happening in your fleet, all from one system.

Remotely diagnose faults that happen in the field as easily as if the device was on your desk and deploy OTA updates with full visibility and control.

“With Memfault, I get stack traces and a more streamlined release cycle that is much more reminiscent of web development than embedded development. And that’s fantastic. I can control my launches, I can control my rollouts, and I get telemetry from my entire fleet, which is phenomenal. ”

“The Latch firmware team uses Memfault on a daily basis: both to proactively monitor for issues in the field and to actively debug issues occurring in our QA and alpha environments. Generally, when a firmware-related issue is reported from the field, we already know about it due to Memfault data and can use Memfault to quickly start digging in to get more context to jumpstart our debug.”

“In the past firing up J-tag and trying to reproduce issues required that the issue be really, really significant before we could justify investigating with a debugger. Now it’s just much easier to start that investigation. It’s going to take an hour instead of a day.”

The only Observability platform purpose-built for teams developing hardware products.

Develop connected cameras faster, cheaper and with less stress.

Security Cameras

Your customers count on cameras to be easy to install and reliable from day 1. Get notified automatically if cameras drop offline, collect diagnostics data without needing direct access, and catch problems happening from the moment the camera first powers on.

Doorbell Cameras

Don't let frustrating installs, interoperability issues and excessive battery drain ruin your customers' experience. Get all the data you need to prioritize the biggest impact problems and resolve them fast.

Computer Vision Cameras

Whether you are running AI on the Edge or in the cloud it ads complexity and unpredictability. Make sure your computer vision cameras are stable and reliable with diagnostics and heath data collected during operation in the real world.


Track critical camera reliability metrics fleet-wide and get automatic alerts when things go wrong.

  • Reboot reason tracking and trace monitoring for crashes and issues
  • Monitor device reliability metrics like uptime, stability, and connectivity performance
  • Get automatic alerts to Slack or email when a new issue is identified or performance degrades
  • Compare performance and stability in different operating states and between software versions

Automatically collect diagnostics data from every device so no more time is wasted reproducing issues locally.

  • Drill-down from fleet-wide analysis to an individual customer device in seconds
  • Automatically collect coredumps and logs every time a device experiences a crash or issue
  • Find and correlate problems in your log data with fast and powerful log search tools
  • See crash data plus extra contextual data like firmware version, hardware batch, and more

Own your data pipeline end-to-end making fleet-management and monitoring much easier.

  • Search through all your devices to get updated status information on your fleet
  • Quickly find and investigate faulty devices based on configurable attributes like site, or serial number
  • Own your analytics data pipeline so you can get answers without waiting for other teams
  • Start collecting new metrics with a few lines of code

Deploy firmware updates with confidence and control

  • Tried and tested OTA update infrastructure proven on millions of devices
  • Reduce OTA rollout risk with automated staged rollouts
  • Maintain 100% visibility of device health whilst updates roll out
  • Mitigate mistakes with strict OTA rollout controls, full audit log and one-button abort

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Will Memfault work for me?

We know embedded devices are all unique, that's why we built Memfault to be super flexible.